Sunday, December 19, 2021

Avoid Hidden Injuries And More: Why Seeing A Chiropractor Counts in Your Favor After A Car Accident

Many people may not realise it, but hidden injuries can wreak havoc on your body, if not immediately, then later on. There are many benefits to seeing a chiropractor in Brampton after having suffered a car collision. Carry on reading to learn more.

What are hidden injuries?

Hidden injuries are those that only start rearing their head at a later stage. You might think your back or your knee is fine after being discharged from the ER, but that doesn’t clear you 100% fit. Hidden injuries are the ones that sometimes “creep” up on people when they least expect it and complicate the way they usually do everyday tasks. Having hidden injuries are very likely in the case of small-scale accidents, and these often affect soft tissue as well.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

A Brampton Chiropractor's Guide To Cure Your Sciatica


Does your lower back hurt? Are your movements restricted due to excruciating pain, and do you wonder how often you need to refill your pillbox? If yes, then I will demand your undivided attention till the end. Let’s talk about how to mitigate that debilitating pain without messing your system with unnumbered prescription meds and their complicated chemical compounds.

What Is Sciatica?

Contrary to popular misconception, not every lower back pain, no matter how paralyzing it may feel, is sciatic pain. The sciatic nerve that stretches through the back of both of your legs starts from your lower back and crosses the buttock muscles. The sciatic nerve helps you with sensation to not just the legs but also the soles. The pain associated with this very specific, overused, and mismanaged nerve is precisely sciatic pain.

Alleviating Upper Back Pain with Chiropractic Care

  Upper back pain rarely receives as much attention as lower back pain but affects people of all ages. It refers to discomfort between the n...