Sunday, March 29, 2020

A few points to consider before visiting the right physiotherapy clinic Brampton for your back pain

If you are looking for the right physiotherapy clinic Brampton for your back pain you might have a difficult time searching for one over the internet and newspapers. There are many choices available today. Physiotherapists are certified doctors who treat injuries and pains in the human body. 

                          Active life Wellsness Centre

Saturday, March 14, 2020

How Beneficial Massage Therapies are

In those days when you are exhausted and all parts of your body are aching, what better than a good massage to relax and feel much better? We all love when someone gives us a good massage or in the back, in the neck, in the legs, in the face... Whatever it is, it will help us feel reassured. But relaxation is not the only benefit that can be attributed to this practice, but massage offers many other benefits that are not so well known. From improving your body's immunity to reducing headaches, by enhancing your beauty. To know the amount of good things that are offered, physiotherapist clinic brampton offers you 10 benefits of massage.

1. They relax the muscles and thus release the stress that is accumulated due to physical activity. Massages are the perfect way to reward the tired body, this is the most privileged benefit of this practice.

2. They help control anxiety and depression. Massages help reduce levels of a hormone called cortisol, which is released in response to stress and therefore elevates mood and lowers blood pressure. On the other hand, they can stimulate serotonin and dopamine, two neurotransmitters associated with depression.

3. They relieve the pain. There are studies that ensure that massage helps relieve chronic back pain. They are also associated with reducing stiffness while improving the mobility of people suffering from osteoarthritis.

4. They improve sleep as delta waves of the brain seem to increase, which are associated with deep sleep. So, if you have trouble sleeping, you already know the trick to falling in bed.

5.They increase immunity. When a person is experiencing a period of stress, it is very common for them to get sick. It turns out that massages can avoid this, since it has been proven that people who enjoy massage sessions experience measurable changes in their immune and endocrine responses.

6.Fighting premenstrual syndrome. Women benefit more from men because massages can reduce the annoying premenstrual symptoms such as swelling or mood swings.

7. Improving alertness. One study found that people receiving massage reported an increase in speed and accuracy to perform mathematical calculations.

8. They reduce the headache. Massage therapies are effective for migraines twice: reduce their amount and reduce discomfort.

9. They contribute to beauty. The facial and head massages are not only pleasing but also make the skin more radiant and the hair healthier than the increase in blood flow.

10. They facilitate the treatment of cancer. Massages are especially helpful for people who need to treat serious illnesses like cancer, as several studies have shown that they relieve fatigue, pain, anxiety, depression and nausea.

You can find our contact information on Google and HotFrog and feel free to make a contact with us to receive the desired service. We will offer you what’s best for you and make sure you regain your strength and health with the help of massages and relaxation.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

How Do I Stay Motivated During Physical Therapy?

Staying motivated is the key to achieving your physical therapy goals. Yet, for many people, being stuck at home during the COVID-19 pandemic can make staying on track quite the struggle.

Part of the problem, it is easy to skip your exercise routines because you are not being held accountable like you were if you were going into the office to see your physiotherapist or chiropractor. You may say you will skip today and just do your exercises tomorrow

Alleviating Upper Back Pain with Chiropractic Care

  Upper back pain rarely receives as much attention as lower back pain but affects people of all ages. It refers to discomfort between the n...